Geometric Properties in Grade X

Hello Friends, in today’s session we all are going to discuss about one of the most interesting and a bit complex topic of mathematics, Geometry. In tenth grade students  are familiar with algebraic expression and properties,but not so familiar with geometry. So for Grade X students of maharashtra state education board, in today’s session we will discuss about geometry and their properties to  solve geometrical problems. To get further details on geometry click here.

First of all we will discuss what is geometry in Open Sentence, Geometry is a mathematical branch, where we study about size, shape of figures like circle, triangle, square, rhombus, parallelogram etc.

Next, we are going to discuss properties of geometrical figures. We know that there are many geometrical figures and all have different properties. So, first of all we will discuss  geometrical properties of triangle. A triangle is a geometrical figure which have three sides.

There are different types of triangles –

  •  Equilateral Triangle: length of all three sides are equal.    
  •  Isosceles Triangle: length of two sides are equal, but length of third side is different.
  •  Scalene Triangle: length of all three sides are different.
  •  Right Triangle: one angle between two sides of triangle is equal to  90 degree.
  •  Acute Triangle : all internal angles of triangle are 60 degree.
  • Obtuse Triangle : all internal angles of triangle are different.

Next, we will discuss geometrical properties of square

  • The diagonals of a square are bisect each other at 90 degree.
  • The diagonals of a square are perpendicular.
  • all sides of a square are parallel and equal.
  • all four angles of a square are equal ( 90 degree).   
  • length of the diagonals are equal.

Next, we will discuss geometrical property of rectangle

  • Opposite sides of a rectangle are parallel and equal.
  • The diagonals bisect each other.
  • length of the diagonals are same.
  • all angles of rectangle are equal (90 degree).

Next, we will discuss geometrical properties of parallelogram

  • Opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel.
  • Opposite sides of parallelogram are equal in length.
  • Opposite angles of parallelogram are equal.

Next, we will discuss geometrical properties of rhombus

  • Opposite angles of a rhombus are equal.
  • The two diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular (90 degree angle between diagonals).

Next , we will discuss geometrical properties of Trapezoid

  • Exactly one pair of sides are parallel .

Next , we will discuss geometrical properties of circle

  • Flat figure of a curve .
  • Every point of curve is the same distance from center.

These are geometrical properties of basic geometrical figures and we can use these properties to solve geometrical problems.

So, guys this is all about Grade X ‘s important mathematics chapter Geometric properties to solve problems and if anyone need information about Permutation and Combination and also on Basic Constructions in Grade X then <!– @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } they can refer to internet and text books for understanding it more precisely.